Benefits of the Acupuncture Face Lift include:
1. Improves muscle tone and tightens skin.
2. Increases collagen production.
3. Eliminates or reduces bags under the eyes.
4. Eliminates or reduces puffiness
5. Eliminates fine lines of the face and reduces larger wrinkles
6. Improves acne
7. Reduces and smoothes acne scars
8. Moisturizes the skin by the increasing circulation of blood and lymph to the face
9. Improves facial color by increasing peripheral circulation
10. Reduces or eliminates double chins and jowls
11. Helps to lift drooping eyelids
12. Relaxes the entire face, body and mind
13. Promotes overall health and well being
14. Slows the aging process from within
15. Benefits the eyes, ears, sinuses, hormones, brain and other body systems
16. Improves self esteem
The Journal of Clinical Acupuncture reported that 90% of clients have marked improvement in their faces and experience an overall rejuvenation that is not confined to the face.
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