Why use Cosmetic Acupuncture?
There is an increasing awareness of the perils of a toxic environment. People are paying more attention to the things they eat and the drugs they take. Your skin is one of the primary organs used to excrete toxins. The skin also has the ability to absorb. The traditional way to moisturize the skin utilizes petroleum based products that act as a barrier (plastic wrap) to keep moisture in. The problem is the toxins can’t get out. The skin needs to “breath”.
Botulism Toxin Type A (BOTOX) is an effective facial paralytic that shows real results for the reduction of wrinkles, however, it has no anti-aging effect. Currently the trend in med-spas is to use chemical peels which increase cellular turnover that actually ages the skin, Botox injections, and chemically altered vitamins like Retin A which increases the skin’s sensitivity to damage. There are even chemical treatments like hydroquinone for bleaching and translucency which require routine liver enzyme checks to assess the damage done internally. There is a better solution.
“A 1996 article in the International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture reported that among 300 cases treated with cosmetic acupuncture, 90% had marked effects with one course of treatment. The effects include: skin becomes delicate, improvement of elasticity of the facial muscles, ruddier complexion, and overall rejuvenation.”
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