Some friends from the net wish to know how they can prevent themselves from being attack by flu or fever viruses. I can fully understand the need of many working people for maintaining a strong immune system while coping with the work loads they have in office.
As you work in the office where the central Air condition system keep on ventilating the "old" air, it is possible when one of your colleague caught a cold, then the viruses can widely spread out to every corner of your office. As a result of that, sooner you will notice many of your colleagues finally become a loser in the battle of flu.
One patient came to my clinic, he had been very sick since last month he caught a cold. He visited a Chinese Medicine Sensei (master) 2 weeks ago. According to this Sensei's prescription, he need to take Propolis (蜂胶) to enhance the natural immunity,Cordyeps sinensis (冬虫夏草) to consolidate and restore the weak body, and not to forget to drink Bird Nest soup (燕窝) for 7 days.
I ask him, how much did this Sensei ask for those Medicine? He finally told me that medicine cost him Rm2000!
In my opinion, the medicine is too expensive. If we can use cheaper herbs to heal our patients effectively, why we have to use Propolis (蜂胶), Cordyeps sinensis (冬虫夏草) and Bird Nest(燕窝)?
Since everyone want to know how to boost up immune system, to prevent ourselves from getting flu or fever. I will give you a Chinese Medicine formula that can give you better effect yet not that cosy.
Anti-Flu & Fever Chinese Medicine soup:
Cinnamomum cassia Pres (桂枝) 10g
Schizonepeta tenuifolia Briq.(荆芥) 10g
Saposhnikovia divaricata(Turez.)Schischk. (防风) 10g
Pueraria thomsonii Benth.(葛根) 15g
Bupleurum chinensis DC.(柴胡) 6g
Raeonia lactiflora pall.(芍药) 6g
Angelica dahurica (Fisch.ex Hoffm.) Hook.f. (白芷) 10g
Notopterygium incisum Tncisum Ting ex H.Chang (羌活) 10g
Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch (甘草) 6g
Zingiber officinale Rosc. (生姜) 9g
Ziziphus jujuba Mill. (大枣) 6 units
This Chinese Medicine soup suitable for people to prevent Flu & Fever. Consume this soup when you feel dizzy, tired, shoulder pain or back ache, afraid of cold wind, starting to sneeze, or any abnormal signs of you might fall in sick. You can buy this from the local Chinese Medicine shop, 1 packet is around Rm5-7, each day take 1 packet. For prevention, you can have 3 packets for 3 days in a row. For those who find boiling herbal soup is a bit of inconvenience, you can buy the above Chinese Medicine soup in concentrated pills from me, 1 bottle is Rm20 (for at least 10 days). This is more easy for you to take your medicine any occasion, any time as you like. Like I say, you don't need to drive out to seek for Chinese Medicine shop just to buy those Chinese herbs, and not to mention the waste of time and efforts you spend on boiling the soup.
If you wish to know more about your body types or have a more detailed health diagnosis from me, I welcome you to my clinic, and we will discuss further more on how to improve your health better by personalized Traditional Chinese Medicine program.
Alexander Ho
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