Kamis, 30 April 2009

Acupuncture Success in Baltimore Prison

The Baltimore Sun newspaper recently ran a story describing how acupuncture has been used in the Baltimore City Detention Center for 16 years. The program was created for non-violent offenders who have problems with drug abuse. Instead of prison, people can be sentenced to a rigorous 45-day behind-bars program that includes 25 acupuncture sessions, group and individual counseling, GED training,

Rabu, 29 April 2009

What is Swine Flu? How Can You Prevent Infection?

Here are some helpful answers from WebMD to common questions that are being asked about this scary new illness.What is The Swine Flu?Like people, pigs can get influenza (flu), but swine flu viruses aren't the same as human flu viruses. Swine flu doesn't often infect people, and the rare human cases that have occurred in the past have mainly affected people who had direct contact with pigs. But

Selasa, 28 April 2009

Acupuncture in IVF Linked to Lower Miscarriage and Ectopic Rates

This post is from bnet.comJanuary, 2005PHILADELPHIA -- Women who receive acupuncture during the stimulation phase of an in vitro fertilization cycle and again immediately after embryo transfer have a higher live-birth rate than do controls, according to the first acupuncture study with this end point. "Other studies have looked at pregnancy rates,

Senin, 27 April 2009

Healthy Eating for Less

Here are some excerpts, from an article posted to The World's Healthiest Foods. It is full of healthy food suggestions on a budget.As many people scrutinize their investments, it's important to not overlook one of our most important investments, our health. Diet can play an integral role in long-term health-let alone the level of energy and vitality we feel in the present-so it's important to not

Kamis, 23 April 2009

Chinese Face Reading: Jen Aniston vs. Angelina Jolie

So what does Brad Pitt see in these two lovely ladies? I am happy to bring you the face reading, face off!We have been subjected to soooooo many photographs of these two women, but today we ignore their imaginary feuds, pregnancies, love spats and new releases. Instead, we take a look at the structure of their faces to see into their personalities. LipsAngelina has world

Naturally Treat Celiac Disease

This article is from NaturalNews.comMarch 29, 2009by: Sheryl Walters, citizen journalistKey concepts: Disease, Celiac disease and GlutenMillions of people are affected by celiac disease, a condition that causes an autoimmune reaction to gluten which is found in wheat, barley, and rye. This reaction results in inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and destruction of villi (small fingerlike

Rabu, 22 April 2009

Career day demonstrator sticks students without school, parent permission

A couple of years ago I was doing an acupuncture demonstration at a high school and some of the kids asked me to "stick them." Being litigiously paranoid, I told them I couldn't do it without parental permission, even though some of the student were 18. I figured it was better to be a stick-in-the mud than sued. 

Good thing too.  

For career day in Yorktown Elementary School, an acupuncturist demonstrated on student volunteers in view of a teacher and now there is an uproar. In my opinion, she was not providing medical treatment (a shallow insertion in a random point is hardly medical treatment - more like "this is how you put on a bandage), so it seems to be a gray area in the school rules. I think the amount of hoopla is excessive. It does go to show you have to be vigilant about informed consent even with volunteers during a demonstration. 

Read the story


Now the parents are outraged about their children getting "treatments." I think some of these parents are getting outraged for the sake of getting outraged.  In the video, they are showing a full blown treatment with e-stim, not a single demonstration point as was done at career day. If an MD gave advice to the class on exercise and diet, would that constitute treatment without informed consent? If a PT had the kids do range of motion exercises, would that have sparked the same reaction about lack of permission? I agree with the other acupuncturist in the story that this kind of pulicity makes other acupuncturists look bad, but I think it is more because of how it is being covered rather than what was done. I hope this does not go before the state board of acupuncture, but if it does, I hope the acupuncturist stresses that she did not perform a treatment and therefor did not need MD referral. 

Earth Day

Happy Earth Day!

What is Acupuncture and How Can it Help You?

from the examiner.comby Katie Mattson Acupuncture is a 4,000 year old system of treatment based in Chinese health care that uses sterile needles to activate energy channels in the body. Don’t discount it’s effects because it sounds a bit out there – or even because of your aversion to needles. This isn’t a form of medicine that was created overnight. It has evolved and matured

Selasa, 21 April 2009

Pediatrics; Alternative Therapies Can Be Safe, Effective for Children

Ahh, there is nothing like having access to research before it is published. Or in this case, lets call it a position statement. I have been working with more children and adolescents lately, especially with pain and ADHD, so it is refreshing to have a bigwig support acupuncture as a safe and viable therapy.

2009 APR 24 - ( NewsRx.com) -- Today, more children than ever are being treated with complementary and alternative therapies. Recent studies indicate that about 30 percent of healthy children and up to 50 percent of children with chronic disease are using some kind of alternative therapy (see also Pediatrics).

"There is a huge place for complementary and alternative medicine in pediatrics," says Dolores Mendelow, M.D., clinical assistant professor of pediatrics and communicable diseases at the University of Michigan Medical School.

Complementary and alternative therapies are becoming a more prevalent treatment for children. If individuals follow the directions of their physicians, these treatments are a safe and effective way to get and stay healthy, Mendelow says.

While certain types of complementary and alternative therapies are safe for children, there are many therapies that could potentially be dangerous. Mendelow notes that parents should always consult their children's pediatrician before beginning any new treatment.

Alternative therapies can be successful against many illnesses - including the common cold or skin rashes - when over-the-counter medications do not have immediate success. For instance, honey can be used for coughs related to the common cold - just not for children less than one year of age.

"In terms of complementary medicine, we're using acupuncture, dietary supplementation and herbal or botanical therapies," Mendelow says

Women Use Acupuncture for Infertility

News 14 of North Carolina recently did a story on acupuncture for infertilityBy: Heather ChildersFor Lara Nordstrom, sessions with her acupuncturist, Amy Rhodes, are relaxing, especially since she has 13-month-old twins at home.Most people try acupuncture to relieve pain, insomnia and allergies. But women are also using it for infertility.Lara combined in vitro fertilization with acupuncture,

Sabtu, 18 April 2009

Treating Allergies with Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

This post is from Acufinder.comBy: Carl Hangee-Bauer, ND, L.Ac.Website: http://somaacupuncture.comWith spring’s sunshine and flowers come wind and pollen, which for many people signals the onset of allergy season. Tree pollens are the most prevalent pollens in the spring and many trees are prolific pollinators. Grass and weed pollens follow in late spring and summer, and airborne mold spores can

Kamis, 16 April 2009

Acupuncture Used for Treatment of Uterine Fibroids in Cuba

From Ahora.cuBy Redaction Ahoraemail: redaccion@ahora.cuApril 2009 The use of natural medicine, particularly acupuncture, has broadened the treatment prospects for uterine fibroids, which affect one every three women in Cuba. As an initiative of Pinar del Rio's gynecologist Ana Rodriguez Núñez, the therapeutic alternative is implemented on a regular basis at the Comandante

Rabu, 15 April 2009

More People are Pursuing Acupuncture for Back pain

This is from a segment that appeared on the CBS Early show4/8/09Dr. Jennifer Ashton spoke with Harry Smith about the most effective methods to treat and prevent back pain.Early Show medical correspondent Dr. Jennifer Ashton tells co-anchor Harry Smith that the survey confirms what she sees in her everyday medical practice, that back pain is "the most common ailment in this country," and that it

Selasa, 14 April 2009

Einstein Couldn't Figure Out Income Tax

“The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.”Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955)U.S. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics

Senin, 13 April 2009

Chinese Medicine a Healthy Alternative for Kids

This article is From Healthy.net Even healthy children are extremely vulnerable to common viruses, allergies and illnesses. Antibiotics are used more and more frequently for childhood ailments, but one problem with this is the possibility of overuse. Bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics when this form of medicine is over-diagnosed or becomes too common. Western and traditional