A double blind study is not possible in acupuncture research and I am sick of people like "Orac" (a self-described humble surgeon scientist that will not give a real name) calling acupuncture studies worthless because of that fact. Oriental Medicine cannot be researched in the same way pharmaceuticals can be, but that does not mean all positive outcomes are the result of the placebo effect. Is is so hard for these folks to conceive that for a different system of medicine there needs to be a different system of research design?
Speaking of double blind randomized control studies, I am especially surprised that this latest tirade comes from a surgeon. You know what surgical techniques you do when you are in the OR during various -ectomys or -astys or the like. That is not double blind even though the patient selection may be randomized. It seems we both have our shortcomings.
Such is the plight. My latest line for people who say "aren't the results all in your head?" is "if that were case, how is it animals get better with acupuncture?" I am also fond of pointing out that, other than amputation, everything is in your head. That sounds more snarky than I like to be. Or should be.
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