The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM), the nation's only organization for certifying acupuncture and Oriental medicine, announced that it is launching a computerized testing administration starting June 19, 2006. According to Dr. Kory Ward-Cook, Chief Executive Officer of the NCCAOM, "The testing vendor, Pearson VUE (, was carefully chosen for a number of reasons, including testing accuracy, high security, accessibility (more than 200 locations nationwide), and the fact that Pearson VUE owns and operates all of its testing sites. As a result, all testing sites implement the same standards of practice and equipment."
One of the many benefits of a computer-administered examination is the ability to add flexibility to scheduling an exam. This will open the examination schedule to a new two-week window, which allows test candidates to set their schedules according to their own needs. The June 2006 examination dates fall between June 19 and July 1, 2006.
"We are excited to be able to offer our candidates testing flexibility from a highly respected testing company," said Laura Culver Edgar, NCCAOM's Deputy Director in charge of all testing. "The agreement with Pearson VUE greatly enhances NCCAOM's goal to educate and support Oriental medicine practitioners in achieving their educational and professional goals."
Dates and locations for the test sites are currently available on NCCAOM's Web site at Candidates will be able to register and pay for examination modules beginning June 12, 2006, directly via Pearson VUE online or by calling a toll-free number. Candidates may also sign up for multiple tests during the two-week window. For example, a candidate can choose to take the Chinese Herbology examination module on June 21 and the Biomedicine examination module on June 23. This gives the candidate the option to spread the exams out over a one- or two-week period or to take them all on one or two days. Testing is by individual appointment only. The candidates also have the benefit of selecting from over 200 testing centers so the need to travel distances diminishes.
Each question (item) for the examination modules will continue to be derived from draft questions submitted by NCCAOM-certified Diplomates, validated for content by Exam Development Committees, and psychometrically reviewed. Every Pearson VUE testing center is equipped with state-of-the-art technology to ensure security, which includes the video and audio recording of all examinees and biometrics. All exams will be administered via computer, and each candidate will receive a different form of the examination. Different examination forms will be provided for each module. Scores will be calculated and results sent out two weeks after the testing window closes as compared to four weeks in prior administrations.
All approved candidates will be individually contacted by mail. Detailed registration notices will be mailed on May 15, 2006. Anyone with questions about the upcoming examination or the registration process can call the NCCAOM office at 703-548-9004 or e-mail
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