Jumat, 17 Februari 2006

Dog Giving Birth Part III: Photos, videos, complications

I had read various things about the umbilical cord- what I wish I had read, what I learned the hard way, and what went for most things about this puppy birth, is don't intervene unless something goes wrong.

The mommy dog not only will in many cases tear through the sac so the puppy can begin to breathe, lick it to stimulate its breathing, eat the afterbirth, lick up her discharge and any blood, but also will chew through the umbilical cord and then lick it until it stops bleeding.

The only times we intervened were when she couldn't get the sac off the newborn within about 30 seconds, and if she seemed too concerned with licking up blood and discharge to get the umbilical cord or stimulate the baby's breathing.

Sometimes the cord was too short as well, it seemed, for her to get at it- we had to cut it then with some little sewing scissors. I had read some things about using thread or dental floss on other sites, but in practice that proved ludicrous... too much blood, mom and puppy too freaked out, not to mention the pressure on us, and trying to get the dang floss tied? Forget about it.

And Lynda supported Sera to reach back there- sort of pushing her hips and shoulders toward one another so she was in the U shape she needed to get at the puppy, etc.

All our pictures and videos of the dog giving birth are here, but the main dog giving birth video, if you want to see the sac rupture, the puppy emerge, etc., is here.

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